Friday, May 17, 2013

Lesson #9

Lesson #9 : Actions Speak Louder Than Words

This one might be a quick blog post, but one I feel like sharing. I was recently with a group who were discussing how hard it is to talk about politics or current events with people of opposing political parties.

I agree.

It's sometimes maddening, and I know for a fact it goes both ways. So what do we do about it? You know you can't change someone's mind by simply repeating over and over what it is you think is wrong about their system or how yours is clearly smarter or better or more just or more fair. It just turns it into an argument and then the defensive walls get put up and productive discussion ends at that point.

My suggestion, speak with your actions not just your words. Sure, words are necessary in debating a point, but actions also go a long way to making yourself feel better about your positions on issues and justifying, ever so quietly, your point. (And I'm hoping your position on issues is one that is towards bettering some aspect of this world...I would hate for this same suggestion to be taken and used to promote disenfranchisement, intolerance, violence or manipulation...just sayin...)

For example, if you feel very strongly about advocating for women's rights and you are tired of politicians and their constituents promoting policy that you feel violates these rights, then take this approach.

First, do your research. Find out exactly what you don't agree with and why. There's nothing worse than claiming you are against something when you don't really have a grasp of the issue in its entirety.

Second, find out if there are organizations out there that support your side of the cause. Join them, donate to them, participate with them, promote them. Make sure you always know the ins and outs of their policies as well and be sure that it aligns with your values.

Third, go out on your own and make a difference towards what you believe in. Promote an advocacy group for women in pursuit of further education, create a group that helps working women out, create an organization that introduces girls to the world of science and math to encourage more females in jobs that require those skill sets, create a meeting that talks about ways to speak up about women's health rights, attend and promote meetings discussing rights to fair pay and equitable wages, start a group that encourages and supports women entrepreneurs, visit women owned business, start a magazine that discusses, promotes and focuses on things women are doing in your community... this list could go on and on, but you get the point.

You'll never be able to change some people's minds, but instead of letting all that frustration sit deeply rooted inside of you, and spending so much energy trying to talk someone over to your side, instead use that energy towards bettering your side of the cause.

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King, Jr

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