Lesson #5: Really Learn a New Language (or Learn a New Language Part II)
So yesterday I talked about the importance of learning a new language and why it has meant so much to me. Well, afterwards I thought about it and realized that I have quite a bit of experience in learning new languages. I have a little bit of advice to give with regards to how I've gone about learning new languages and what has worked (and not worked) for me. I can't promise any of my techniques will have the same results with everyone out there, but I can offer my detailed opinion of the experience.
To preface this list of language learning techniques, I'd like to add that along with Italian, which I began learning when I was 20, I've also spent some time learning a couple other languages, including Spanish and French. I have dabbled in learning German, only because I was there traveling for a while and it seemed like another important global language. I'd like to say I have tried some of the more difficult languages such as Chinese or Arabic but I haven't even begun to tackle those yet. Someday, perhaps.
This list covers methods I've used in all languages. I'll start my list in today's post with the most effective means of learning a new language that I've found, and work my way down in following posts. That's not to say that the other methods don't add or enhance language learning. I think together they all make it easier to tackle a new language. But if you can only do one I'd start with:
1. Immersion
This is by far the easiest way to learn a language rapidly. Not only does it allow you to hear the language being spoken all around you throughout the day, but you have the opportunity to speak it yourself and learn from your mistakes. You can also meet real people which gives you more motivation to try to practice speaking and they can help you along the way, showing you the correct way of saying things. They can also teach you things about the spoken language that a book just can't show you. How to develop accents or ways to use slang...these are all things learned "on the job" so to speak.
Some ways that I've tried immersion:
- Study Abroad Programs- obviously if you are still in school this is the way to go. You get college credits while also getting to explore a new culture and learn a new language. There are so many opportunities for study abroad, and many offer generous financial assistance or grants and scholarships that you can apply to. My study abroad program in 2004 was completely covered by a grant because I had done such a good job representing the study abroad office at my school after I came back from my first stint in 2002. Visit your study abroad office and see what's available or look through brochures of schools that have programs and see how you could manage a credit transfer for a semester. If money is really the biggest issue, there are many ways to try to overcome this. You can use the aforementioned resources of loans, grants or scholarships or you can use the internet. There is a website: www.gofundme.com. There you can fundraise whatever money you may need, as long as you are able to plug your purpose and reach out to people. It's good practice for the real world, too, where you need network support for just about everything you do.
- Language Schools- Too old to study abroad but still want to get the same experience? I've been there too. I've found that there are tons of language immersion schools within practically every country of the world where you can go to learn the language during the day, stay with a group or home stay, and meet a lot of cool people to hang out with at night. It's really the best way to vacation, I think, but also the BEST way to learn a new language. Here are some of the language schools I have been to and experienced. I loved them all:
other qualifications. Another good place to start look is the STA website. There they have
options to look into language learning programs that they have tested and know to be of good
quality. You can do these for as little as one week, or many months, even a year...who knows?!
I found all the programs I completed to be very accommodating and extremely friendly. At one
point during the Sevilla program I wanted to visit the Salamanca campus they had. But I had
already paid for that week in Sevilla. They were able to transfer me with no problem and I got to
continue my Spanish lessons but in a brand new awesome city.
- Volunteering- Unfortunately my only experience with this is when I was already in Rome and was seeking activities to do. My friend and I volunteered at the cat sanctuary in Rome. It was a good way to practice speaking the language. However, there are far better volunteer programs that put you in places where you will instantly be immersed. Some programs offer language classes in the morning, then volunteer activities in the afternoon. Others are straight up volunteering, but I think any of these experiences is worth it. I'm looking into a few of these myself!
- www.globalvolunteers.org - I've been in contact with this group. They are great so far!
- http://www.statravel.com/volunteer -
- www.gviusa.com
- http://www.wwoofinternational.org - this one looks like fun! I love working outside.
- Check with your local church to find out about mission trips.
- Au Pair- I also did this to help with finances while traveling and boy did it turn out to be the best way to learn a language! I actually learned more from those kids than any other class I took. The point of being an Au Pair is to share your language and culture with the kids so they get an international exchange. But, it really works both ways. I found that I NEEDED to learn the language pretty fast since these kids were in my care. The way I found my Au Pair gigs was through these two sites (although many find them through word of mouth):
- Work Abroad- Unfortunately if you are an American, it is a bit more difficult to find work in Europe, Australia, Canada simply because of work visa requirements. I did a work abroad stint using a temporary work visa offered through the UK and the Commonwealth. It is called BUNAC. It is a work visa with pretty particular requirements (I believe it is geared towards college aged or just having graduated college). I met that criteria just barely and decided to go for it. Pretty cool opportunity if you ask me! Just make sure you have your ducks in a row. don't expect to make a lot of money - I made just enough to support me continuing to live abroad. Nothing extra. NOTHING.
- Teaching Abroad- There are, of course, other work abroad options for those with qualifying degrees. One that I really want to do that I still have not is teaching english abroad. There are several programs to get you certified. Having not tried either, I cannot recommend one or the other. TEFL certification is one, TESOL is another, and CELTA is one more that I have heard of. I'd love to learn more about these options.
So, as you can see, as far as immersion options go, there are A LOT of choices out there available to you that can really kick start your language learning. I'm sure there are many more that I didn't post here, only because I don't have experience with them. I sure wish I had more photos to share of my experiences with these options, unfortunately that was during film camera days and most of those photos have yet to make the transition to a digital copy. Eventually.
Stay tuned for next post on language learning techniques! If immersion is something you can't do right now, fear not! There are other ways!
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Volunteering in Italy. Check out this blog: Beers and Beans |
"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." - Frank Smith
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